Anne Loyd

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Be the Anomaly

I've spent the last year doing a ton of research over our world events. Knowledge to me is power. One thing that's become apparent though is that very few people speak about solutions. How do we navigate ourselves out of this? What do we need to do? What things do we need to implement or change? How can we take the best care of ourselves?

I've started following a Doctor who really resonates with me and she suggests to convince ourselves that what we're going through is temporary and that there is a way for things to improve. Her suggestion is to be the ANOMALY. Rather than following the herd, create a reality of how you want things to be. Don't get locked into fear mongering. Put your focus on things being ok and you being ok. Stand up and stand out and don't worry what others think.

I love her tips on how to be the 'anomaly' so much that I've included a few here:

* Refuse to be discouraged
* Keep your eyes on the prize - on your ideal outcome
* Become completely indifferent to the 'facts of reality'
* Be willing to appear foolish
* Don't let this stuff get you down - keep positive and in good spirits

OK so you might not agree with me and you know, that's ok. It's good to have differing views and opinions. I always say in my workshops to take what resonates and leave the rest.

However if this does speak to you, it's a great way in which to live your life. It takes courage to blaze a different trail, and if that trail is true to you, you've just got to go and do it.

Keep imagining the future and life you want and keep focused on that. I watched a great doco about the toppling of the Government in Iran in 1953, and one of the presenters said, 'miracles have happened in our history'. Who would have thought that the Berlin Wall would come down and that the USSR would be dismantled?

Expect a miracle and put your energy there. Because miracles do happen.