Anne Loyd

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The 'Work' You are Born To Do

WORK. JOB. Such uninspiring words to me and yet they are firmly entrenched in our psyche to describe what we do for a living. You know that thing we typically do 5 days a week, 9:00am to 5:00pm (or in many cases, longer), in exchange for money? That's what we call work.

The word 'work' feels like, well, 'hard work'. Indeed work is often associated with labour, a slog - something produced by physical or intellectual effort.

Then there's the word 'job' which doesn't inspire creativity or excitement. Ask an artist if what they're doing is a 'job', and they will probably look at you strangely.

Given quantum science states that everything is energy and carries an energetic frequency, have you ever questioned why something we do on such a regular basis equates to something being hard, difficult or, prison like?

You may disagree with me of course, and that's totally fine. My intention is to arouse curiosity so that you question things for yourself. Always question, then question some more.

The more I focus on the power of the spoken word, the more I believe that we should have a better word that describes what we give our energy to five days a week. Career sounds a bit better as does vocation, but even the word vocation seems a little airy fairy to me. While we use the word 'work' so easily in conversation as we all know what it means, we have to be aware of the energy or frequency it transmits. Is what you do really 'work'? Or is it something bigger, brighter and more meaningful?

As the saying goes, when your vocation feels like a vacation, you know you're on to something. However when your 'job' and your passion aren't the same thing, it's time to readdress that balance.

What you are here to do in this world is an extension of who you are as a person. It's within you. You cannot separate yourself from your career or your vocation. It's one and the same. I know some cleaners who absolutely LOVE cleaning and wouldn't dream of doing anything else. I know a hugely successful CEO of a worldwide Insurance group who regretted not following his dream of being a full-time musician.

As we spend the majority of our day engaged in 'work' of some kind, why not do something you're passionate about? When you combine your passion, with what you're naturally good at, along with what's needed in the world, it's a great balance. That's when what you do ceases to be work, or a job. Instead it's a creative force that runs through you. It's what you were born to do - and that can never, ever be described as work.

Love Anne xx

P.S. Photo of Navajo Artists Johnston and Bahe in the Arizona desert after having painted the side of a shipping container.