Anne Loyd

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Making It Happen

I have always been fascinated by success in others. What is it about people that makes them successful? What are their qualities and traits? Their attitudes? What did they do? How did they do it? What was their environment like? Who are they as a person?

Success comes in many forms - it can be success at being totally yourself regardless of what others think. It can be success in a career. It can be success with the type of friendships in your life. It can be success at the way you live your life. It can be financial success or creative success. Success is many different things to many different people.

Success just doesn't happen. Sure you might get a lucky break but I guarantee what came became that lucky break was a lot of effort. In order to create success - however you view success - it won't happen unless you do something and take action, consistently.

Dr Richard Wiseman researched those who created success in their lives and identified 4 elements/traits about them including optimism, intuition, resilience, and possibility. Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with this, I want to add my own take on this given the clients I work with come to me to create success (even if they don't use those words).

Here's what I have acknowledged:

1. Vision - having a clear vision and then adjusting that vision as need be
2. Faith - holding that vision with the belief that it will happen - especially in times of adversity or current circumstances
3. Consistency - showing up every single day (a smile helps too)
4. Action - taking the necessary steps - always
5. Determination - especially in the face of other's input, feedback, lack of support
6. Clearing resistance - whether it's negativity, a particular mindset, a belief, programme etc

If you decide to create something in your life, don't expect change to happen by doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Mix it up. Get serious about it. Apply yourself consistently. Have a healthy mindset. Believe in yourself and your vision and JUST GET STUCK IN!

One client of mine had worked for many years in a company where she had been 'placed' in various roles rather than choosing roles she wanted. She was never excited about getting about of bed and going to work and focused on the day she would retire (she was 40!!!). After working together she created an entirely new role that she loved, was promoted to a Director and got a seat on the Board. She did EVERYTHING in the steps above. That 40 year old no long focuses on retirement and she's never looked back since.

Yes change can be hard and it takes consistent effort, but the rewards speak for themselves. Nothing will happen unless you make it happen.

To your success - today and everyday!

Love Anne xx